Whistler Beekeeping Experiences

July 2 – September 29, 2024

Nita Lake Lodge 10:30am-12:30pm

Four Seasons Resort 3:30-5:30pm

This 2-hour, family-friendly experience offers you an opportunity to learn all about honey bees from our experts, interact directly with our colonies, and immerse yourself in the daily life of a beekeeper!

Whether you adore bees, are passionate about sustainability, or simply want an unforgettable Whistler experience, we have something for every age and experience level.

Facilitated by experienced and skilled beekeepers passionate about bees and sustainable practices, you will leave with a newfound interest and appreciation for these wonderful creatures.

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Topics to be covered include:

  • Basic bee types and facts (including the roles of queen, worker, and drone bees)
  • The importance of honey bees for the environment and pollination
  • Bee suits and safety protocols for interacting with bees
  • Exploring the hive (identifying eggs, larvae, brood nest, pollen, nectar, honey, and more)
  • Hands-on hive interaction (spotting the queen bee and observing bee behaviour)
  • Bee communication through dances and signals
  • Bee-friendly gardening tips (creating a bee-friendly garden at home)
  • The honey production process (from flower to honey)
  • Honey extraction process with extractor on site
  • Jarring your own honey to take home
  • Interactive games and activities
  • Q&A, recap of key learnings, and take-home messages

Cost: Adults – $189 | Children under 12 – $139 (protective wear will be provided)

At the end of the experience, each participant will get to keep a 100ml jar of honey, perfect to take on a flight home.

We are so excited to see you at our facilities!

Contact us at Info@EnsureHiveFuture.org for more details.