Zoom Fireside Chat – V.S.H. Virgins & Drones

Tuesday July 28, 7:00 P.M. Pacific

Corey Stevens, Garret Wilkinson & Iain Glass

Varroa resistant bees, (V.S.H.), obtaining Virgin Queens as opposed to mated and the importance of Drones.

For some Background, check out the Podcast with Corey Stevens from Stevens Bee Co


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or go to FaceBook Live @ Ensure Hive Future page



No Mow May

No Mow May is a campaign put on by Plant Life, an organization based in the UK. It challenges you to not mow your lawn for the month of May. Then at the end of the month, you can see all of the beautiful pollinators your lawn attracts every day!


Here is the link to Plant Life’s homepage:


Planting for Pollinators

With spring here, everybody is out in their garden. However, it is important to remember you are not the only one in your garden, there are pollinators too! Planting for pollinators is the concept of making your garden a paradise for pollinators. There are many actions you can take towards this goal. Growing plants native to your region and eliminating pesticides are just a couple examples.


Visit these websites for more information:




Or visit this site for ecoregional planting guides:




World Bee Day- May 20th, 2020


On May 20th, we celebrate bees to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators. World Bee Day falls on the birthday of Anton JanÅ”a, the pioneer of modern beekeeping. Bees play an essential role in our food systems and natural environments. Scientists estimate that bees are responsible forĀ  pollinating a third of the food we eat.

Despite their contribution to our food supply, human activity is threatening bees. Unsustainable farming practices, land-use change, loss of habitat, and climate changeĀ  all have a negative impact on bees and other pollinators.Ā 

At Ensure Hive Future, we are working hard to help the community understand the significance of the honey bee and the ways beekeepers and pollinator-friends can take action. The solutions are simple – support sustainable agriculture, buy local honey, plant native flowers, and share your appreciation for bees! For more information about how you can contribute to a buzzing future, visit our ‘Resources‘ and the UN World Bee Day page for great information and videos.Ā